Just for the heck of it, I’m starting yet another blog. This time I am harboring no illusions whatsoever that I will have hordes of readers and achieve internet fame by having someone really smart (and popular) read my blog, because noone ever discovered the blogs (which were all, I admit now, a bit obscure for mainstream taste) I have written over the years. I am at the universe’s disposal, and if I were really destined to become famous over the interwebs, then it would have happened long ago, when blogs were fashionable, YouTube felt like a real community, and Facebook and Instagram were nonexistent.


I am giving up on the dream, and as a way of catharsis, I present myself with links to these old blogs (thank goodness the even earlier ones have been lost in oblivion), so I could rehash how pathetic a kid I was.


Click and cringe at your own risk.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you.



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