Abandon hope, all ye who enter here

says Dante Alighieri in the Inferno.


Why I am quoting him, I do not know. Maybe I am trying to sound poetic, philosophical, profound?

So much for the perfunctory first post. You see, the first post does not really matter. Sure, it's there to get you started - where would you be if there is no first post, right? But based on experience - and I learned this the hard way - what gives a blog weight is longevity. What good is a first post if it's not followed by a second, a third, a hundredth? Yes, I'm saying this to myself. Yes, I promise myself that I will post my second entry tomorrow, and the third one the day after tomorrow, and so on. And yes, I'm going to stick to this promise, and not wait for my ever elusive Muse (the concept of which is, I realize now, just a tool my procrastinating and lazy self oh-so-conveniently abused to make sense of my impotence as a writer [just this once let it be known that I am delusional enough to call myself a writer]).


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